Our Story

Our story begins with Michelle Boundy who has over 30 years’ experience working in Governments supporting some of our communiti’s most venerable people. She has an extensive tertiary education, and she is a Subject Matter Expert in Workplace Wellbeing and Culture, and she is passionate about creating safer workplaces for Australian workers. In 2009 Michelle developed and implemented a health and wellbeing program called the "Wellness Project" for the State Government. Within 3 months Michelle won both Regional and State WH&S Awards and the program was rolled out Statewide. This led to guest speaking opportunities on Workplace Wellbeing at various events across NSW. In 2011 she was a finalist at the prestigious WorkCover WH&S State Awards night where she won the Highly Commendable Award for Outstanding Achievements in WH&S - Innovative Solution to a WHS issue.

In 2013 Michelle transferred to the Commonwealth Government where she developed and implemented another wellbeing program called 'Wellness at Work’. This program was highly successful and gained a strong following across APS where she obtained a number of regional ‘Shout Out’ Awards for her work in this area. In November 2022 Michelle won the National ‘Light Up Award’ for ‘Excellence in WHS & Wellbeing’ as State Lead for Wellbeing where she implemented wellbeing programs and initiatives that enhanced staff wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic and Lismore Floods. In 2020 Michelle became the integral Community Kindness Champion for the Stay Kind Foundation where she developed and implemented a number of highly successful Community Projects. This included the 50 Walks Project, 50 Bathers Way 50, the 50 Hearts Project, the 50 Acts of Kindness Project, and the Do Something Kind Project. Her projects have seen a strong social media following in Australia and overseas where Michelle undertook virtual walks along the iconic Newcastle’s Bathers Way Walk with participants from India, Indonesia, Norway, and America during the 50 Walks Project and COVID-19 pandemic.

During Mental Health Week in October 2022 she implemented a community mental health initiative called the ‘Elephant in the Room’, where she held a Black-Tie Event which raised over $25,000 for Lifeline Hunter. On World Kindness Day on the 13th of November 2023, Michelle wore an Elephant suit around Newcastle’s famous Merewether Beach to promote the power of kindness and raise further funds for Lifeline which supports our community’s most vulnerable. Michelle was mentioned in NSW Parliament in 2022 by NSW State Member Mr Tim Crakenthorp for her community projects which raised awareness of the current 'mental health state’ in New South Wales during the COVID 19 pandemic and the power acts of kindness can play in the lives of others and the community.

She Inspires Me became Michelle’s new community project which was officially launched on International Women’s Day in March 2023, to celebrate the contributions and achievements women make in our community. The #tellyourstory initiative focuses on social issues impacting women in our community, it explores their experiences and the challenges they face within our society. SinceMarch 2023, Michelle has meet with thousands of women, capturing their inspiring stories and sharing them on her social media. On International Women’s Day In 2024 to celebrate She Inspires Me first birthday, Michelle launched Women at Work which aims to educate, empower and enhance the lives of women at work in the country. This initiative has been highly successful with over 18,000 followers on Linkedin and she has been awarded seven (9) Top Voices Awards and ranked in the top 1% to 5% for her work in this area.

Michelle is highly regarded and respected in Government and admired nationally for her unique community projects prompting kindness, advocating workplace wellbeing, and genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of others. unique community projects and genuine desire to make our workplaces kinder and safer for Australian workers. This year Michelle will be speaking at several events, including a National Women’s Conference in September 2024. You can contact her here regarding all speaking and engagement opportunities.

Why is it Important to Support Women in our Community?

She Inspires Me has been developed in line with the NSW Government Women’s Strategy 2023-2026. The strategy focuses on three key priorities for NSW over the next three years. They are: Economic Opportunity and Advancement, Health & Wellbeing & Participation and Empowerment. The vision of the NSW Women's Strategy is that women in NSW should live and work in a safe and fair society where they are treated with respect and dignity, and have equitable access to services, resources, opportunities, and protections that enable them to thrive. The NSW Women’s Strategy 2023–2026 complements and strengthens the NSW Government’s existing actions to advance women’s economic opportunities and social equality, and end violence against women and girls.

How do we improve the lives of women in this country?

The Women's Strategy is dedicated to enhancing outcomes for all women, with a special emphasis on those facing greater disadvantage and discrimination, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women, and those with a history of or experience with domestic, family, or sexual violence. Women are entitled to healthcare, education, safety, employment, economic opportunities, political participation, representation, and protection from discrimination. Gender inequality impacts not only women and girls but also the well-being, livelihoods, and opportunities of children, their families, and the sustainable development of nations and societies.

We hold the conviction that gender equality is vital for the strength of families and societies, and that the engagement of entire communities of women is essential to eradicate injustice and change discriminatory practices. Investing in girls paves the way to a brighter future for all. Therefore, addressing gender equality is a central aspect of World Vision's work, encompassing advocacy and development programs across various sectors, including resilience and livelihoods, water, sanitation, and hygiene, prevention of gender-based violence, education, health, and faith and development. We acknowledge that achieving gender equality follows no single route.

Our Impact

Since the launch of She Inspires Me on International Women’s Day in March 2023, Michelle has traveled all over Australia attending multiple events, meeting hundreds of women, and capturing thousands of stories. Some of these stories have been shared on our website and social media where Michelle has received messages from women all over the world who claimed the stories inspired them and gave them hope in their circumstances. She Inspires Me has become one of Australia’s most influential and loved movements across the country with 18,500 followers on Linkedin.

Organisations We Have Supported

We promote and support the following businesses for their contribution to our community. You can contact us here if you would like to support us and have your business featured below.